Waynoka, OK June08 2012
Case in point:
BNSF X-FTXCBL9-06 with feed grain empties, is a shuttle train originating June 6th from an elevator at Friona, TX destined for Council Bluffs, IA. BNSF uses X for all empty grain movements, but also ethanol empties too. The 9 suffix indicates a train in service between 110 car shuttle elevators.
Let's see where this story goes.
Before the internet, a very difficult task.
First step, look up the BNSF symbol guide.
FTX is Friona, TX.
Next, Google Earth Friona, TX. Several interesting features are noted, mainly a loop track and elevator off the BNSF main.
Off to the west is an interesting plant. Turns out to be owned by Cargill Meat Solutions.
Ok, so where does a meat packing plant of such size get its feedstock (ok not funny). Scanning around Google Earth, you come across a large rectangular area to the north of town. Zoom in...and there they are...thousands of cattle.
Turns out it’s a CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) run by Texzona Cattle Feeders LLC. So this is the reason for the BNSF shuttle trains to Friona.
Here is the big picture.
What next, any info on the elevator? The BNSF site has a nice
list of all the 110 car shuttle elevators on the system. Turns
out this one is owned by CHS Inc. a fortune 100 company
(a major operator).
Now if only BNSF could find a way to capture the reefer trailers moving the meat out of that plant.
Ok, so there you have it...easy.
Now that was just 1 of 6 empty grain trains out of a total of 35 trains seen this day around Curtis Hill Oklahoma.
DPUs on the rear looking east