Monday, April 6, 2015

...of Clutter and Color

     The recent revival of traffic on the Cleveland line (ex-Bayard branch) has led me to try my luck at shooting at many locations that are either new to me or that I have not thoroughly investigated.  Case in point, Mar22 2015 had two trains come down the Cleveland line in the morning.  The first catch was NS 42R-18 (Fostoria to Cresson 6798-9478 w/ 70x0 corn for Clearfield, PA – RJCP).  After a nice shot east of E. Liverpool, OH, I stumbled into the yard at Midland, PA for a shot I have never done before.

By the time the following NS 10R-21 (Kankakee to Conway BNSF 5382-BNSF 4127 w/ 113x3 freight) came by the light was head on at Midland, so I continued east.  Just before the overpass at Vanport, PA I decided to try a shot.  Now, just need to remove some clutter...and add some color to that severely faded leader.  No, I don't feel guilty for doing that!